Don’t enjoy the spring at any old place - come to the Rhineland and discover how nature blossoms into life on its banks! Wander along the banks of the Rhine or the Sieg, discover the cycle paths in the area or see this watery landscape from a boat - and if you want to do even more, simply extend your stay with us!
From 140 €
per person*
Bookable from 10 April - 18 June 2023 - depending on availability - arrival on Friday
* based on 2 people in a double room
In a French
single room
Arrangement price for
1 Person: 200,00 €
In a French
double room
Arrangement price for
2 Persons: 280,00 €
In a Standard
double room
Arrangement price for
2 Persons: 300,00 €
In a Comfort
double room
Arrangement price for
2 Persons: 320,00 €
In the
Arrangement price for
2 Persons: 380,00 €